Wall Hanger Brackets - User Guide
The package creates two new parts in the pull schedule: Fixation Mbl Haut Droite(Right) / Gauche(Left). [1]
In the material catalog you will find four new materials.[2]
- Fixation Mbl Haut drt / Gau Type A (Right/Left Type A wall hanger bracket)
- Fixation Mbl Haut drt / Gau Type B (Right/Left Type B wall hanger bracket) (See differences on the next Heading)
Put the type of wall hanger bracket you want [2] in front of the corresponding parts [1].
You can assign the chosen wall hanger bracket for multiple schedules by right clicking on the part > Change Material in Multiple Schedules.

1.1. Type A or type B ?
- The Type A cuts the back and calls two holes in the end.

- The Type B calls two holes in the back and three in the end.

By selecting a cabinet at the room level with the attribute filter at Misc, you have the choice of turning ON/OFF the wall hanger bracket for the entire cabinet.
By selecting an End at the cabinet level in any ortho view, you can do the same for the part.